Privacy Policy

The personal data requested and collected by through the various data collection forms on this website – will always be treated in accordance with the current regulations on the protection of personal data. Currently, it complies with Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter, LOPD) and the regulations that develop it.

Therefore, all personal data collected will be incorporated into the corresponding personal data files, which are duly registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), and owned by DABAITIE, S.L. (the Administrator).

Furthermore, the Administrator has implemented the security levels required by Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, which approves the Regulation for the development of the LOPD. However, it is necessary to indicate that technical security in an environment like the Internet is not impregnable, so there may be unlawful actions by third parties unrelated to DABAITIE, S.L. In the case of third-party actions, DABAITIE, S.L. is not responsible for them. However, the company undertakes to provide all the necessary information to determine and demand responsibilities from the perpetrators of the damages.

Regarding the user who requests services from DABAITIE, S.L., they declare that they are aware of the following terms:

-That, according to article 5 LOPD, they have been informed of the existence of a personal data file and know the ownership of said file.

-By checking the acceptance box of these conditions, they expressly consent for the file manager (the Administrator) to process their personal data for the purposes of managing, maintaining, and controlling their information requests or service provision. Likewise, they consent to receive informative, commercial, and advertising emails from DABAITIE, S.L.

-Personal data provided, in general, will not be communicated or transferred to third parties.

-The user must complete the fields marked as “mandatory” in the Website forms.

-The User will be responsible, in any case, for the veracity of the data provided.

-The User may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition (ARCO rights) regarding the treatment of their personal data at any time by contacting the file manager at the following email: The subject of the email must be LOPD. They can also do so by postal mail to the following address: Calle Santa Eulàlia 5-7, 1º 4ª, 08012 Barcelona.

The personal information provided on is collected through:

-The Contact Form;

-Any other method that allows us to collect personal data and use it to provide the best possible service, such as cookies and geolocation through GPS data and/or IP addresses.

Third-party links that may be found on the website are not affected by this Policy; therefore, it will be necessary to consult the data protection policy of each of the websites hosted on those links.

Finally, it should be noted that this website uses Google Analytics services, so it is highly likely that cookies will be installed on your computer to generate statistics on visitors’ and registered users’ activity on the website. For more information, feel free to visit our Cookie Policy. In this sense, DABAITIE, S.L. may also process your data for statistical purposes, with the aim of optimizing the quality of our services.